Friday, August 21, 2009

Too long!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I have been on the road for 8 out of the last 11 weeks. Though one would think it would be easier to blog on the road, I am so exhausted I haven't had the strength.

That is all going to change. I am making a personal promise to all of you (my friends and family) to update this blog weekly! So new happenings with the Dable family.... In case any of you haven't heard, we had the 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago and we were trilled to find out we are welcoming a baby boy!

Not only did the ultrasound tech see what she called the "turtle" (boy parts) she also commented that I was further along that we initially thought. I should have been 19 weeks and 5 days, but she guessed I was closer to 21 weeks or further. My doc, Dr. Sportiello said that she wouldn't officially change the due date of December 20th, as the little one can come anytime within the 3 weeks around my due date. Overall, he was perfect. She said he was a little cookie cutter baby and everything measured just right!

We have decided on the name Myles (or Miles- still in discussion.) It is a name Jason and I both really liked. It is not too popular or trendy right now but a solid name. We have chosen the middle name Edwin. There are a couple reasons why we chose this name. Jason's Great Grandfather on the Dable side was named Edwin, but I also want to pay respect to my amazing grandfather whose name was Edward. So, Myles Edwin Dable or Miles Edwin Dable will be his name. He will be here in mid December and we couldn't be more excited!

Until next time, which WILL be next week, I promise!


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