Monday, November 23, 2009

Minutes to Myles? I hope so!

It has been too long since I have updated, but it seems as if most of the family has now made their way onto Facebook, so my happenings aren't that interesting. However, a few exciting events have transpired over the last few days and they're more of a personal nature, so this stuff will be on my blog.

Throughout the pregnancy I have been pretty fortunate to remain in good health. Unfortunately, my blood pressure has been increasing slightly over my last few visits. My normal Dr. was not in the office last Friday, so I went in and saw another Dr. in the practice. First off at the visit, when I got onto the scale, I had gained 11 pounds. This coupled with protein in my urine and an elevated blood pressure earned me a direct do not pass go, do not go home, go directly to Labor and Delivery at the hospital. They were afraid I may have some early signs of preeclampsia. If this was the case, then the doctor wanted to deliver Myles. (Below is a pic from the hospital- Courtesy of my mother in law, who rushed to my side with my sister, Maggie. Thanks so much, Ladies!)

Further testing revealed that all my blood work came back normal and my blood pressure was evening out, so they sent me home with orders to relax. All weekend my husband made sure I relaxed and didn't exert too much energy, so I was hoping all would be well at my appointment today. Again, my doctor wasn't available so I saw a 3rd doctor! After the nurse took my blood pressure it was 146/90 which was way too high. She made me lie down on my side for 5 minutes and took another measure, it fell to 135/80, still not great but better. Overall, the doctor told me I was experiencing pregnancy hypertension and the best thing for me to do is to be on bed rest.

Luckily, I am already on vacation for work this week, but it looks like I may be starting my leave earlier than expected. I will know more when I see my doctor on Wednesday. So being almost 37 weeks, Myles is almost full term, so if he comes, he should be ready to meet the world. I just want nothing more than for him to be happy and healthy. Labor could be anytime and I am looking forward to him being here. He can enjoy the new nursery his dad worked so hard to finish!