Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby Update and Basement Near Completion!

Time is Flying by! I honestly have no idea how it is almost October. Everyday seems to pass by quicker than the last. Jason has been working so hard to finish the basement and it seems all of his efforts are finally done! He pulled an all nighter last night to finish the last of his "to do" items. He went to bed this morning at 9 am when the installers arrived to put in the new carpet.

Not only will the carpet replace the yucky carpet on the stairs but it will also run throughout the basement. It is soft and pretty and I cannot wait to see the final outcome! Once the carpet is installed we can move forward with moving the guest bedroom downstairs. After that, the baby room will begin construction. There is not a lot of actual construction so much as removing some built in cabinets and replacing the wood paneling with a more insulated drywall. I can't tell you how proud I am of Jason and all his hard work! He's truly amazing!

I had a doctor appointment on Friday. Myles is now 29 weeks and he is just an active little baby already. He even kicked the doctor when she went to check his heartbeat. It was pretty funny! His heart rate is normal and my belly is growing rapidly. I just can't believe 11 weeks until my due date! Let's hope he decides to make his grand entrance while the family is all in town for the holidays. However, he is a Dable and Ouellette and we can all be stubborn with minds of our own!

Jason and I also took a 2 week birthing class which finished on Saturday. It was great to see the hospital where I will be giving birth and getting a tour of the facility. Aurora Women's Pavilion is just a wonderful place to be giving birth. Feel free to check out the website if you want.

After much consideration, I decided to speak with my boss at work and let her know how difficult travel can be at the time in my pregnancy. She was gracious enough to adjust my schedule and I do not have to complete my last two classes. So YAY, no more plane travel and I couldn't be happier!

This should also allow me more time for keeping you all up to date with my fun happenings. Happy Fall Ya'll (As they say in Atlanta)

All my love,


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